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99% | 8 | Exact Match! | ||||||
adjective • characteristic of a lack of maturity • (used of living things especially persons) in an early period of life or development or growth • not fully developed or mature; not ripe • not yet mature • (of birds) not yet having developed feathers | ||||||||
41% | 7 | Citizens of Pauls Valley | ||||||
noun • a native or resident of Oklahoma adverb • comparatives of `soon' or `early' • more readily or willingly | ||||||||
22% | 12 | Flower often used in flower arrangements or for dried flower crafts | ||||||
noun • tropical Asiatic annual cultivated for its small tassel-shaped heads of scarlet flowers • tropical African annual having scarlet tassel-shaped flower heads; sometimes placed in genus Cacalia • young leaves widely used as leaf vegetables; seeds used as cereal | ||||||||
Pauls Dull Flower Green
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IMMATURE which was last seen in the The Guardian Cryptic crossword.
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Updated: October 14, 2023
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Source | #Number | Answer |
The Guardian Cryptic01 Jul 2008 | Down 18 | |
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Similar Clues
Clue | Source | |
1 | Citizens of Pauls Valley
New York Times -
04 Mar 1993 | New York Times / 04 Mar 1993 |
2 | Dull green leaves with toothed margins | |
3 | Flier from flower to flower
New York Times -
04 Jun 2018 | New York Times / 04 Jun 2018 |
4 | Flower often used in flower arrangements or for dried flower crafts | |
5 | Little flower with dull centre held by pin
The Guardian Cryptic -
28 Nov 2003 | The Guardian Cryptic / 28 Nov 2003 |
6 | Sons maybe receiving company with crimson and green, dull ties
The Guardian Cryptic -
16 Jan 2024 | The Guardian Cryptic / 16 Jan 2024 |
7 | Wings of swan covering dull part of flower
The Guardian Cryptic -
12 Apr 2021 | The Guardian Cryptic / 12 Apr 2021 |
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Adolescent's misconception?
Underdeveloped - childish
It's childish to shut up about 'headgear
Undeveloped - unripe
I met a rum doctor lacking insight
I'm going to take friend around the old city green
Shut up about a time to be green
Adolescent's misconception?
Underdeveloped - childish
It's childish to shut up about 'headgear
Undeveloped - unripe
I met a rum doctor lacking insight
I'm going to take friend around the old city green
Shut up about a time to be green
Young setter's friend touring old city
Green track over in west, east of motorway going west
Not yet fully-developed
A rum item turned green
Shut up about a theme's opening being undeveloped
A tired Mum organised day out with young
As a baby, Victor introduces himself?
Not fully developed
Irate mum? (anag)
Green track over in west, east of motorway going west
Not yet fully-developed
A rum item turned green
Shut up about a theme's opening being undeveloped
A tired Mum organised day out with young
As a baby, Victor introduces himself?
Not fully developed
Irate mum? (anag)