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99% | 10 | Exact Match! | ||||||
verb • (of a region of space) To experience an unusually high rate of star formation. • To explode; to burst out violently via, or in such a manner as to cause, an explosion. • To make a starburst pattern. • To refract and sparkle. | ||||||||
47% | 12 | Radiating light in stellar objects | ||||||
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42% | 5 | Lines radiating from a centre; i raid (anag.) | ||||||
noun • the length of a line segment between the center and circumference of a circle or sphere • a straight line from the center to the perimeter of a circle (or from the center to the surface of a sphere) • a circular region whose area is indicated by the length of its radius • the outer and slightly shorter of the two bones of the human forearm • support consisting of a radial member of a wheel joining the hub to the rim | ||||||||
Patterns Of Lines Radiating From Light Sources Or Periods Of Intense Galactic Activity Involving The Formation Of Stellar Objects
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STARBURSTS which was last seen in the Telegraph Giant General Knowledge crossword.
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Updated: October 12, 2023
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We think you're currently doing a Telegraph Giant General Knowledge crossword, and other users also searched for these clues:
Schoolmasters/mistresses; compact masses of cabbage or lettuce leaves; frothy tops of pints of beer; or, the rounded ends of pinsFrom the Latin for “twelfth part” and sharing its origin with “ounce”, a measure equal to 1/12 of a foot
Calisson- or lozenge-shaped parallelogram known as a diamond due to its resemblance to said shape represented on a playing card
Clue Last Found In...
Source | #Number | Answer |
Telegraph Giant General Knowledge21 Jan 2023 | Across 44 | |
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2 | Hub with radiating blades
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3 | Lacking radiating appendages, as nerve cells
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4 | Lines radiating from a centre; i raid (anag.)
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5 | Radiating light in stellar objects | |
6 | Stellar object that is often found in the galactic halo | |
7 | Utterly principled; radiating integrity; good, honest – truthful, primarily?
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