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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 7 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • British soldier; so-called because of his red coat (especially during the American Revolution) | ||||||||
27% | 9 | Follows the Patriots | ||||||
noun • a native or resident of Boston | ||||||||
27% | 5 | Super Bowl number in which the New England Patriots defeated the Carolina Panthers | ||||||
adjective satellite • being two more than thirty | ||||||||
Patriots Foe
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New York Times13 Aug 2005 | Down 39 | |
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3 | Non-patriots in revolt — being negative, they are charged
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4 | Patriots' Day time
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6 | The number of the 2019 Super Bowl, won by the New England Patriots | |
7 | Winner over the Patriots in Super Bowl XXXI
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Revolutionary War figure
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Revolutionary War soldier
Old soldier cared to abroad
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British soldier in the American Revolution
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Old British soldier
British soldier in the Revolution