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99% | 11 | NATURETRAIL | Exact Match! | |||||
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41% | 5 | Beaten path through the countryside | ||||||
noun • a track or mark left by something that has passed • a path or track roughly blazed through wild or hilly country • evidence pointing to a possible solution verb • to lag or linger behind • go after with the intent to catch • move, proceed, or walk draggingly or slowly • hang down so as to drag along the ground • drag loosely along a surface; allow to sweep the ground | ||||||||
41% | 11 | Fictional character portrayed as a chronic liar | ||||||
noun • German raconteur who told preposterous stories about his adventures as a soldier and hunter; his name is now associated with any telling of exaggerated stories or winning lies (1720-1797) | ||||||||
Path Through The Countryside An Utter Liar Portrayed Differently
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NATURETRAIL which was last seen in the The Guardian Everyman crossword.
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Updated: October 15, 2023
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Clue Last Found In...
Source | #Number | Answer |
The Guardian Everyman08 Feb 2009 | Across 14 | NATURETRAIL |
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5 | Equestrian path through open countryside | |
6 | Fictional character portrayed as a chronic liar | |
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