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99% | 8 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • One who is insolent or flippant; one who makes jokes or perpetrates pranks. • A knowledgable or successful sports bettor. • A member of the Mafia; a mobster. • A hipster. | ||||||||
36% | 9 | Famous players include Jean Ritchie and David Schnaufer | ||||||
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36% | 6 | British singer-songwriter, known for 'Ritchie Blackmore's Rainbow' | ||||||
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Overconfident People Ernie Ritchie And Fawkes
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WISEGUYS which was last seen in the The Guardian Cryptic crossword.
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Updated: October 14, 2023
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Source | #Number | Answer |
The Guardian Cryptic20 Jul 2022 | Across 23 | |
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Similar Clues
Clue | Source | |
1 | 1958 Ritchie Valens hit
New York Times -
29 Sep 1996 | New York Times / 29 Sep 1996 |
2 | 1959 Ritchie Valens hit
New York Times -
13 Jan 1994 | New York Times / 13 Jan 1994 |
3 | Biopic about Ritchie Valens
New York Times -
25 May 2011 | New York Times / 25 May 2011 |
4 | Developed by Dennis Ritchie in the early 1970s | |
5 | Shared tour dates with musicians like Chuck Berry and Ritchie Valens | |
6 | Son of Madonna and Guy Ritchie
New York Times -
26 Jan 2016 | New York Times / 26 Jan 2016 |
7 | Title girl in a Ritchie Valens hit
New York Times -
13 Dec 2003 | New York Times / 13 Dec 2003 |