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99% | 6 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • a splendid assemblage (especially of famous people) • tufted evergreen perennial herb having spikes of tiny white flowers and glossy green round to heart-shaped leaves that become coppery to maroon or purplish in fall • (astronomy) a collection of star systems; any of the billions of systems each having many stars and nebulae and dust | ||||||||
37% | 13 | Theory that the universe is self-contained and contained within itself | ||||||
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32% | 6 | A self-contained unit or system within a larger system | ||||||
noun • one of the inherent cognitive or perceptual powers of the mind • detachable compartment of a spacecraft • computer circuit consisting of an assembly of electronic components (as of computer hardware) • a self-contained component (unit or item) that is used in combination with other components | ||||||||
Our Solar System Is Contained Within It
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GALAXY which was last seen in the The Guardian Quick crossword.
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Updated: October 13, 2023
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Source | #Number | Answer |
The Guardian Quick19 Sep 2005 | Across 12 | |
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Similar Clues
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2 | A solar system "ice giant"
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3 | Like Neptune among the planets in the solar system
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4 | Solar system receiving gold for the sisters
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5 | Theory that the universe is self-contained and contained within itself | |
6 | The Solar System's largest dwarf planet
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