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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 9 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • a letter that is a piece of fan mail | ||||||||
33% | 13 | The interval between two successive conjunctions-same star of the Moon with a particular distant star | ||||||
noun • period between successive conjunctions with a star, 27.322 days | ||||||||
24% | 7 | Shimmer like a distant star | ||||||
noun • a rapid change in brightness; a brief spark or flash • merriment expressed by a brightness or gleam or animation of countenance verb • gleam or glow intermittently • emit or reflect light in a flickering manner | ||||||||
One Way To Reach A Distant Star
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Source | #Number | Answer |
New York Times05 May 2023 | Across 14 | |
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2 | Mainly intended to reach those people top star harassed
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27 Jan 2013 | The Guardian Everyman / 27 Jan 2013 |
3 | One way to reach someone
New York Times -
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4 | Reach, in a way
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17 Jan 2014 | New York Times / 17 Jan 2014 |
5 | The duration it takes for light to travel from a distant star to reach us | |
6 | The interval between two successive conjunctions-same star of the Moon with a particular distant star | |
7 | Twinkling star, a distant one with name of an Ethiopian prince
The Guardian Everyman -
23 Jul 2006 | The Guardian Everyman / 23 Jul 2006 |