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99% | 13 | FJORDEXPLORER | Exact Match! | |||||
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26% | 12 | Can be visualized as a combination of a wave traveling to the right and a wave traveling to the left | ||||||
noun • a wave (as a sound wave in a chamber or an electromagnetic wave in a transmission line) in which the ratio of its instantaneous amplitude at one point to that at any other point does not vary with time | ||||||||
25% | 6 | Traveling around the holidays, maybe | ||||||
noun • a severe or trying experience • a primitive method of determining a person's guilt or innocence by subjecting the accused person to dangerous or painful tests believed to be under divine control; escape was usually taken as a sign of innocence | ||||||||
One Traveling Around Scandinavia Crossword Clue
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New York Times06 Sep 2017 | Across 20 | FJORDEXPLORER |
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Similar Clues
Clue | Source | |
1 | "___ around around around around" (repeated line in Dion and the Belmonts' "The Wanderer")
New York Times -
27 Apr 2014 | New York Times / 27 Apr 2014 |
2 | Aces around, Kings around, and Queens around are common melds | |
3 | Can be visualized as a combination of a wave traveling to the right and a wave traveling to the left | |
4 | Constitutional rights finally being acknowledged in Scandinavia
The Guardian Cryptic -
11 Jan 2011 | The Guardian Cryptic / 11 Jan 2011 |
5 | One traveling around India with a trunk
New York Times -
07 Jan 2012 | New York Times / 07 Jan 2012 |
6 | Traveling (around)
New York Times -
01 Feb 2003 | New York Times / 01 Feb 2003 |
7 | Traveling around the holidays, maybe
New York Times -
04 Jan 2015 | New York Times / 04 Jan 2015 |