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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 8 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • a person appointed by a testator to carry out the terms of the will | ||||||||
32% | 10 | Joint executor tasked with carrying out the final wishes of the deceased | ||||||
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32% | 11 | Executors acting together in carrying out a deceased person's wishes | ||||||
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One Carrying Out The Deceaseds Wishes
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EXECUTOR which was last seen in the The Guardian Quick crossword.
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Updated: October 13, 2023
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Source | #Number | Answer |
The Guardian Quick23 Apr 2007 | Down 2 | |
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Similar Clues
Clue | Source | |
1 | Bird carrying child carrying boy off, love being source of romance
The Guardian Cryptic -
31 Jan 2014 | The Guardian Cryptic / 31 Jan 2014 |
2 | Fulfiller of three wishes, in folklore
New York Times -
18 Jul 2022 | New York Times / 18 Jul 2022 |
3 | Good wishes on parting were spoilt in fall-out
The Guardian Quiptic -
22 Jun 2009 | The Guardian Quiptic / 22 Jun 2009 |
4 | Go with a reluctant sort to offer good wishes
The Guardian Quiptic -
28 Aug 2006 | The Guardian Quiptic / 28 Aug 2006 |
5 | Individual responsible for carrying out the wishes of a deceased person | |
6 | Joint executor tasked with carrying out the final wishes of the deceased | |
7 | Magical being who carries out a person's wishes
The Guardian Quick -
28 Jul 2012 | The Guardian Quick / 28 Jul 2012 |
Similar Clues With The Same Answers
Heir raiser?
Someone must have been willing to appoint him
Person fulfilling a will
Overseer of a will
Will one's responsibility flower, given disruption of court?
Will figure
Person appointed to carry out the terms of a will
Person carrying out the terms of a will
Someone must have been willing to appoint him
Person fulfilling a will
Overseer of a will
Will one's responsibility flower, given disruption of court?
Will figure
Person appointed to carry out the terms of a will
Person carrying out the terms of a will
Will official survive in the end, after old court restructured?
He has the will to settle things
Person nominated to carry out the terms of a will
He's instructed to administer late orders
Will's responsible person as Devon banker, dividing gold
Will administrator's former partner finally settle court action?
Estate administrator
Will overseer
He has the will to settle things
Person nominated to carry out the terms of a will
He's instructed to administer late orders
Will's responsible person as Devon banker, dividing gold
Will administrator's former partner finally settle court action?
Estate administrator
Will overseer