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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 6 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • large heavily built seabird with a long stout bill noted for its plunging dives for fish | ||||||||
23% | 9 | Seen in various wrestling styles, including freestyle and catch-as-catch-can | ||||||
noun • a wrestling hold in which the opponent's head is locked between the crook of your elbow and the side of your body | ||||||||
20% | 3 | One of five in catch-as-catch-can | ||||||
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On Horseback Catch The Bird
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GANNET which was last seen in the The Guardian Cryptic crossword.
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Updated: October 14, 2023
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We think you're currently doing a The Guardian Cryptic crossword, and other users also searched for these clues:
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Source | #Number | Answer |
The Guardian Cryptic16 Jan 2012 | Across 24 | |
This clue was last seen in the publications above.
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Similar Clues
Clue | Source | |
1 | Bird that swoops down to catch its prey | |
2 | Catch, as a catch-of-the-day
New York Times -
26 May 2002 | New York Times / 26 May 2002 |
3 | Catch on TV's "Deadliest Catch"
New York Times -
14 Apr 2017 | New York Times / 14 Apr 2017 |
4 | Frequent catch on TV's "Deadliest Catch"
New York Times -
05 Aug 2011 | New York Times / 05 Aug 2011 |
5 | One of five in catch-as-catch-can
New York Times -
28 Aug 1980 | New York Times / 28 Aug 1980 |
6 | Quintet in catch-as-catch-can
New York Times -
09 Mar 1991 | New York Times / 09 Mar 1991 |
7 | Seen in various wrestling styles, including freestyle and catch-as-catch-can |
Similar Clues With The Same Answers
Sea bird
Fish-eating sea bird
Booby or its cousin
Wood ibis
Booby's cousin
Booby's kin
Fish-eating bird
Web-footed sea bird
Girl in car, greedy type
Proverbially greedy seabird
Fish-eating sea bird
Booby or its cousin
Wood ibis
Booby's cousin
Booby's kin
Fish-eating bird
Web-footed sea bird
Girl in car, greedy type
Proverbially greedy seabird
Large seabird, white with dark markings
Marine bird - greedy person
Understand about girl being big eater
Woman drowning in G&T: greedy thing!
Seabird — glutton
Large sea bird
Person who eats and drinks far too much
Flying pig?
Large heavily built seabird with a long stout bill
Bird has knocked figure on horse over
Marine bird - greedy person
Understand about girl being big eater
Woman drowning in G&T: greedy thing!
Seabird — glutton
Large sea bird
Person who eats and drinks far too much
Flying pig?
Large heavily built seabird with a long stout bill
Bird has knocked figure on horse over