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99% | 8 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • A French girl or young married woman of the lower class; especially, a young working-class woman of perceived easy morals. | ||||||||
56% | 7 | Species include Amanita muscaria and Amanita phalloides | ||||||
noun • genus of widely distributed agarics that have white spores and are poisonous with few exceptions | ||||||||
42% | 5 | Frenchwoman known for her avant-garde works | ||||||
noun • the outermost (and toughest) of the 3 meninges | ||||||||
Old Word For A Young Working Class Frenchwoman That Refers To Said Girls Characteristic Grey Dress Fabric Or The Mushroom Amanita Vaginata
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GRISETTE which was last seen in the Telegraph Giant General Knowledge crossword.
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Updated: October 12, 2023
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Scholar who dedicated his treatise Toxophilus to Henry VIII and, in return, was rewarded by said king with a royal pension and further honour of being assigned tutor to Prince Edward and Princess ElizabethA summary of an article, book, speech or other piece of writing
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Source | #Number | Answer |
Telegraph Giant General Knowledge07 Jan 2023 | Down 7 | |
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1 | A toadstool, such as the red-and-white “fairytale” fly amanita
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16 Sep 2023 | Telegraph Giant General Knowledge / 16 Sep 2023 |
2 | Characteristic of the working class
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13 Jan 2018 | The Guardian Quick / 13 Jan 2018 |
3 | Frenchwoman known for her avant-garde works | |
4 | From the Latin for “olive”, an ingredient traditionally derived from said fruit; or, a flammable liquid whose figurative burning at midnight refers to reading or studying late
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03 Jun 2023 | Telegraph Giant General Knowledge / 03 Jun 2023 |
5 | Girls, girls, girls
New York Times -
25 Jul 1981 | New York Times / 25 Jul 1981 |
6 | Latin word for “shield” that refers to a large oblong Roman example of said piece of armour; a constellation; or, one of the protective plates of an armadillo, insect or turtle
Telegraph Giant General Knowledge -
23 Sep 2023 | Telegraph Giant General Knowledge / 23 Sep 2023 |
7 | Species include Amanita muscaria and Amanita phalloides |