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99% | 4 | MRED | Exact Match! | |||||
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23% | 10 | Famously declares 'A horse! A horse! My kingdom for a horse!' | ||||||
noun • King of England from 1483 to 1485; seized the throne from his nephew Edward V who was confined to the Tower of London and murdered; his reign ended when he was defeated by Henry Tudor (later Henry VII) at the battle of Bosworth Field (1452-1485) | ||||||||
23% | 13 | Derived from Old Frankish, Old Saxon, and Old Frisian | ||||||
noun • the West Germanic language of the Netherlands | ||||||||
Old Show Horse
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New York Times05 Dec 2014 | Across 41 | MRED |
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2 | Destroying the Four Olds: Old Customs, Old Culture, Old Habits, and Old Ideas | |
3 | Famously declares 'A horse! A horse! My kingdom for a horse!' | |
4 | Metallic element from old show for old king shedding old city
The Guardian Cryptic -
28 May 2010 | The Guardian Cryptic / 28 May 2010 |
5 | Old word for an actor; a horse for pulling a passenger/mail-coach; or, an old hand, veteran or other adept of much worldly experience
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06 May 2023 | Telegraph Giant General Knowledge / 06 May 2023 |
6 | Stick on horse to finish first in old Wild West show
The Guardian Quiptic -
30 Nov 2020 | The Guardian Quiptic / 30 Nov 2020 |
7 | Word, from the Old English for “beautiful” and related to the Old Norse for “white horse”, for lustre; or, glistening or splendid attire
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15 May 2023 | Telegraph Herculis / 15 May 2023 |