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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 6 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • a Roman statesman and orator remembered for his mastery of Latin prose (106-43 BC) • a linear unit of the size of type slightly larger than an em | ||||||||
32% | 10 | Decorator of initial letters in old manuscripts | ||||||
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26% | 9 | Reduces colour employing old rock | ||||||
noun • a soft heavy compact variety of talc having a soapy feel; used to make hearths and tabletops and ornaments | ||||||||
Old Roman Company Employing Decorator
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CICERO which was last seen in the The Guardian Cryptic crossword.
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Updated: October 14, 2023
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We think you're currently doing a The Guardian Cryptic crossword, and other users also searched for these clues:
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Old American people get bigger: why not?
Clue Last Found In...
Source | #Number | Answer |
The Guardian Cryptic04 Jan 2021 | Across 12 | |
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Similar Clues
Clue | Source | |
1 | Decorator of first letters in old texts | |
2 | Decorator of initial letters in old manuscripts | |
3 | Firm employing all but one family member
Telegraph Toughie -
25 Apr 2023 | Telegraph Toughie / 25 Apr 2023 |
4 | Reduces colour employing old rock
Telegraph Toughie -
29 Jun 2023 | Telegraph Toughie / 29 Jun 2023 |
5 | Relax, employing muscle to get deference
The Guardian Cryptic -
04 Oct 2016 | The Guardian Cryptic / 04 Oct 2016 |
6 | The Vatican in difficulty employing yes-men regularly
Telegraph Cryptic -
10 Aug 2023 | Telegraph Cryptic / 10 Aug 2023 |
7 | Veto our side employing a bitch, regularly vulgar
The Guardian Cryptic -
09 Aug 2016 | The Guardian Cryptic / 09 Aug 2016 |
Similar Clues With The Same Answers
Roman orator
Suburb of Chicago
Author of "De Oratore"
Eloquent Roman
Chicago suburb
Catiline's nemesis
Roman statesman-writer
Tully of Rome
Roman statesman
Suburb of Chicago
Author of "De Oratore"
Eloquent Roman
Chicago suburb
Catiline's nemesis
Roman statesman-writer
Tully of Rome
Roman statesman
"O tempora, O mores!" speaker
"O tempora! O mores!" orator
"De amicitia" writer
"Civis Romanus sum" speaker
Roman orator - size of type
He originated the phrase "While there's life, there's hope"
Originator of the phrase "Let the punishment fit the offense"
Greek-speaking orator as guide (not to Tyneside)
"De Oratore" writer
Eloquent character, one finishing cake amid company
"O tempora! O mores!" orator
"De amicitia" writer
"Civis Romanus sum" speaker
Roman orator - size of type
He originated the phrase "While there's life, there's hope"
Originator of the phrase "Let the punishment fit the offense"
Greek-speaking orator as guide (not to Tyneside)
"De Oratore" writer
Eloquent character, one finishing cake amid company