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99% | 4 | Exact Match! | ||||||
verb • pass into a condition gradually, take on a specific property or attribute; become • become larger, greater, or bigger; expand or gain • increase in size by natural process • cause to grow or develop • develop and reach maturity; undergo maturation • come into existence; take on form or shape • cultivate by growing, often involving improvements by means of agricultural techniques • come to have or undergo a change of (physical features and attributes) • grow emotionally or mature • become attached by or as if by the process of growth | ||||||||
35% | 5 | Cultivated land; the fitness of cultivated soil | ||||||
noun • the state of aggregation of soil and its condition for supporting plant growth • arable land that is worked by plowing and sowing and raising crops | ||||||||
33% | 4 | Odd or not odd? | ||||||
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Odd Parts Of Garden We Cultivated
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GREW which was last seen in the The Guardian Everyman crossword.
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Updated: October 15, 2023
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The Guardian Everyman08 Nov 2015 | Down 3 | |
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4 | Hay cultivated with garden plant
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5 | Odd or not odd? | |
6 | Odd parts of garden go without good foliage
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