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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 5 | UHURA | Exact Match! | |||||
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37% | 6 | Surname of the Danish-American actress who played the role of Seven of Nine in 'Star Trek: Voyager' | ||||||
noun • modernistic Danish writer (1873-1950) | ||||||||
30% | 5 | The name of the ship from the science fiction series Star Trek: Enterprise | ||||||
noun • German hero; leader at the battle of Teutoburger Wald in AD 9 (circa 18 BC - AD 19) | ||||||||
Nichelle Nicholss Role On Star Trek Crossword Clue
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Source | #Number | Answer |
New York Times26 Nov 1996 | Across 57 | UHURA |
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Similar Clues
Clue | Source | |
1 | "Star Trek" role
New York Times -
25 Sep 1995 | New York Times / 25 Sep 1995 |
2 | Classic role for Nichelle Nichols and Zoë Saldana
New York Times -
09 Sep 2022 | New York Times / 09 Sep 2022 |
3 | Jane Wyatt's "Star Trek" role
New York Times -
01 Sep 1981 | New York Times / 01 Sep 1981 |
4 | Jane Wyatt role in "Star Trek IV"
New York Times -
26 Aug 1990 | New York Times / 26 Aug 1990 |
5 | Role for Nichelle Nichols and Zoë Saldana
New York Times -
07 Feb 2020 | New York Times / 07 Feb 2020 |
6 | Surname of the Danish-American actress who played the role of Seven of Nine in 'Star Trek: Voyager' | |
7 | The name of the ship from the science fiction series Star Trek: Enterprise |
Similar Clues With The Same Answers
"Star Trek" lieutenant
Bridge officer on the original "Star Trek"
Communications officer on "Star Trek"
Kirk subordinate
Lieutenant under Kirk
"Star Trek" crew member
Crewmate of Spock and Sulu
Shipmate of Spock
Kirk's partner in a groundbreaking 1968 interracial kiss
"Star Trek" officer with an earpiece
"Star Trek" lieutenant who speaks Swahili
Enterprise officer with an earpiece
Communications officer on the Enterprise
Bridge officer on the original Enterprise
Role for Nichelle Nichols and Zoë Saldana
Classic role for Nichelle Nichols and Zoë Saldana
"Star Trek" communications officer