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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 10 | Exact Match! | ||||||
adjective • of or relating to or characteristic of the city of Florence, Italy noun • a native or resident of Florence, Italy | ||||||||
29% | 9 | Receive as one's share, or receive incidentally | ||||||
verb • be subject to or the object of | ||||||||
24% | 7 | Books on this list often receive less marketing and publicity than bestsellers | ||||||
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Nice To Receive Teaching Books From Italy
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FLORENTINE which was last seen in the Telegraph Cryptic crossword.
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Updated: December 12, 2024
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Telegraph Cryptic13 Dec 2024 | Across 10 | |
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Similar Clues
Clue | Source | |
1 | Before "nice," it's a verb – after "nice," it's a noun
New York Times Mini -
25 Sep 2023 | New York Times Mini / 25 Sep 2023 |
2 | Books on this list often receive less marketing and publicity than bestsellers | |
3 | Nice, in Nice
New York Times -
30 May 2018 | New York Times / 30 May 2018 |
4 | Nice tax reform? No, its not nice
The Guardian Cryptic -
22 Feb 2008 | The Guardian Cryptic / 22 Feb 2008 |
5 | Nice way to say nice
New York Times -
06 Nov 2003 | New York Times / 06 Nov 2003 |
6 | Receive as one's share, or receive incidentally
The Guardian Speedy -
27 Jul 2008 | The Guardian Speedy / 27 Jul 2008 |
7 | The dogmatic teaching that ensures the Pope's incapability of teaching falsehood |
Similar Clues With The Same Answers
Dante was one
Italian biscuit
Italian takes the biscuit
Italian girl showing cleavage in England's capital
Italian biscuit
Italian takes the biscuit
Italian girl showing cleavage in England's capital
Iron shackling Italian actress, metal is Italian
Wonderful outstanding actor beginning in theatre, Italian
Eg Dante let Inferno become convoluted
A fruit-and-nut biscuit with a plain chocolate base; silk/satin historically imported from the Tuscan capital; a pie without a crust beneath the meat; or, a Modena-like fancy pigeon
Wonderful outstanding actor beginning in theatre, Italian
Eg Dante let Inferno become convoluted
A fruit-and-nut biscuit with a plain chocolate base; silk/satin historically imported from the Tuscan capital; a pie without a crust beneath the meat; or, a Modena-like fancy pigeon