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99% | 6 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • a member of either of two Shoshonean peoples (northern Paiute and southern Paiute) related to the Aztecs and living in the southwestern United States • the Shoshonean language spoken by the Paiute | ||||||||
25% | 6 | Belongs to the tribe of tribe Thunnini | ||||||
noun • flesh of mostly Pacific food fishes of the genus Sarda of the family Scombridae; related to but smaller than tuna • fish whose flesh is dried and flaked for Japanese cookery; may be same species as skipjack tuna • any of various scombroid fishes intermediate in size and characteristics between mackerels and tunas | ||||||||
25% | 6 | This tribe is the largest Native American tribe in the United States | ||||||
noun • a member of an Athapaskan people that migrated to Arizona and New Mexico and Utah • the Athapaskan language spoken by the Navaho | ||||||||
Nevada Tribe Crossword Clue
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New York Times07 Feb 2016 | Across 118 | |
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Clue | Source | |
1 | Belongs to the tribe of tribe Thunnini | |
2 | Nevada's largest county
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03 May 2006 | New York Times / 03 May 2006 |
3 | Nevada city that experienced an earthquake swarm in 2008
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01 Oct 2020 | New York Times Bonus / 01 Oct 2020 |
4 | Nevada gold-mining town
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27 Nov 2016 | New York Times / 27 Nov 2016 |
5 | This tribe is the largest Native American tribe in the United States | |
6 | What Utah and Nevada do
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03 Jun 1983 | New York Times / 03 Jun 1983 |
7 | ___ Nevada or Madre
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12 Sep 1990 | New York Times / 12 Sep 1990 |