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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 5 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • deep ditch cut by running water (especially after a prolonged downpour) | ||||||||
35% | 6 | Narrow channel where the River Southampton flows into the English Channel | ||||||
noun • a strait of the English Channel between the coast of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight | ||||||||
31% | 5 | Leg side fieldsman | ||||||
noun • the fielding position in cricket closest to the bowler on the on side | ||||||||
Narrow Channel Fieldsman
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GULLY which was last seen in the The Guardian Quick crossword.
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Updated: October 13, 2023
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Source | #Number | Answer |
The Guardian Quick16 Apr 2003 | Across 10 | |
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Similar Clues
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1 | Activity of hopping from channel to channel | |
2 | Daddy could make great strides as a fieldsman - ged it?
The Guardian Cryptic -
05 Apr 2001 | The Guardian Cryptic / 05 Apr 2001 |
3 | Fieldsman, brusque member
The Guardian Everyman -
02 Mar 2008 | The Guardian Everyman / 02 Mar 2008 |
4 | Foolish direction for a fieldsman
The Guardian Cryptic -
18 Dec 2006 | The Guardian Cryptic / 18 Dec 2006 |
5 | Leg side fieldsman
The Guardian Quick -
06 Apr 2002 | The Guardian Quick / 06 Apr 2002 |
6 | Narrow channel where the River Southampton flows into the English Channel | |
7 | Rye fieldsman?
The Guardian Cryptic -
28 Nov 2000 | The Guardian Cryptic / 28 Nov 2000 |