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99% | 7 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • Any of several plants supposed to have broad healing powers. | ||||||||
66% | 6 | From the Greek for “vinegar and honey”, an ancient type of tonic and method of preserving herbs using the aforesaid sour and sweet ingredients that are reputed to have therapeutic value in their own right | ||||||
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48% | 11 | Blue-petalled “hurtsickles” or “bachelor’s-buttons” of wheatfields or meadows, whose Latin designation, Centaurea cyanus, refers to said blooms’ legendary use as healing herbs by the centaur Chiron | ||||||
noun • plant of southern and southeastern United States grown for its yellow flowers that can be dried • an annual Eurasian plant cultivated in North America having showy heads of blue or purple or pink or white flowers | ||||||||
Name Of A Species Of Betony Prunella Or Valerian That Refers To The Reputed Medicinal Restorative Or Therapeutic Qualities Of Said Herbs Crossword Clue
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ALLHEAL which was last seen in the Telegraph Giant General Knowledge crossword.
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Updated: October 25, 2023
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Meaning “learned, skilful”, an Italian word for a consummately talented musician; one with masterly skill in any other creative pursuit; or, a collector, connoisseur or dilettante of antiquities, art, curiosities and such likeEsteemed by Victorian artist Louis Wain and portrayed in his books, drawings, illustrations and paintings, felines also called grimalkins, kitties, moggies, tabbies, toms and torties, kept as pets or mousers
From a term for a hawk’s act of erecting/shaking its feathers, a word used to mean awaken, excite, kindle, provoke, put into action or stir up
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Telegraph Giant General Knowledge07 Oct 2023 | Across 12 | |
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