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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 6 | Exact Match! | ||||||
adjective satellite • requiring secret or mysterious knowledge | ||||||||
32% | 4 | Mysterious affair, yeti? Mysterious place | ||||||
noun • a particular geographical region of indefinite boundary (usually serving some special purpose or distinguished by its people or culture or geography) • a subject of study • a part of an animal that has a special function or is supplied by a given artery or nerve • a particular environment or walk of life • a part of a structure having some specific characteristic or function • the extent of a 2-dimensional surface enclosed within a boundary | ||||||||
29% | 7 | Common feature in poetry, where the second half of a line inverts the order of words from the first half | ||||||
noun • an intersection or crossing of two tracts in the form of the letter X | ||||||||
Mysterious First Half Of Cats Penned By Composer
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ARCANE which was last seen in the The Guardian Everyman crossword.
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Updated: October 15, 2023
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We think you're currently doing a The Guardian Everyman crossword, and other users also searched for these clues:
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Withdraw, exhausted, to a sanctuary
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Source | #Number | Answer |
The Guardian Everyman09 Nov 2008 | Across 9 | |
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2 | Common feature in poetry, where the second half of a line inverts the order of words from the first half | |
3 | Composer didn't have 'unfinished', with end of symphony penned
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4 | Composer spoiled every single note penned
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5 | First name of the scribe who penned the Book of Jeremiah | |
6 | Half of a half-and-half
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08 Apr 1995 | New York Times / 08 Apr 1995 |
7 | Mysterious affair, yeti? Mysterious place
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07 Apr 2015 | The Guardian Cryptic / 07 Apr 2015 |