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99% | 4 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • empty rhetoric or insincere or exaggerated talk • a genre of popular music that originated in New Orleans around 1900 and developed through increasingly complex styles • a style of dance music popular in the 1920s; similar to New Orleans jazz but played by large bands verb • play something in the style of jazz • have sexual intercourse with | ||||||||
95% | 6 | Exact Match! | ||||||
adjective • of or relating to the ancient Greek inhabitants of Doris, to their Doric dialect of Greek, or to their culture noun • a member of one of four linguistic divisions of the prehistoric Greeks, spoken in the southern and eastern Peloponnese, Crete, Rhodes, some islands in the southern Aegean Sea, some cities on the coasts of Asia Minor, Southern Italy, Sicily, Epirus and Macedon • the ancient Greek inhabitants of Doris who entered Greece from the north about 1100 BC | ||||||||
32% | 11 | Greek musical mode | ||||||
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New York Times16 Mar 1988 | Across 28 | |
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