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99% | 6 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • the outside boundary or surface of something • a part of the city far removed from the center • one of the light or dark bands produced by the interference and diffraction of light • a social group holding marginal or extreme views • a border of hair that is cut short and hangs across the forehead • an ornamental border consisting of short lengths of hanging threads or tassels verb • adorn with a fringe • decorate with or as if with a surrounding fringe | ||||||||
40% | 10 | Ralph Farnham creation | ||||||
noun • the first important battle of the American War of Independence (1775) which was fought at Breed's Hill; the British defeated the colonial forces | ||||||||
40% | 10 | He was the son-in-law of Susanna Farnham Clarke Copley | ||||||
noun • American painter who did portraits of Paul Revere and John Hancock before fleeing to England to avoid the American Revolution (1738-1815) | ||||||||
Musical Feature Of Surrey Band Appearing In Farnham And Ewell Initially
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FRINGE which was last seen in the The Guardian Cryptic crossword.
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Updated: October 14, 2023
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The Guardian Cryptic06 Oct 2010 | Down 7 | |
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