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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 5 | ALFIE | Exact Match! | |||||
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26% | 6 | Song title in a 1992 movie | ||||||
noun • a Latin American dance similar in rhythm to the rumba verb • dance a mambo | ||||||||
24% | 8 | Job title often associated with movie-making | ||||||
noun • someone who controls resources and expenditures • member of a board of directors • someone who supervises the actors and directs the action in the production of a show • the person who directs the making of a film • the person who leads a musical group | ||||||||
Movie Title
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Source | #Number | Answer |
New York Times04 Feb 1977 | Down 30 | ALFIE |
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Similar Clues
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1 | Featured in the movie 'Garfield: The Movie' | |
2 | Hit 2012 movie whose plot involves a plan to make a movie
New York Times -
31 Oct 2018 | New York Times / 31 Oct 2018 |
3 | Like a movie about people making a movie
New York Times -
14 Oct 2015 | New York Times / 14 Oct 2015 |
4 | Main character in the movie 'The Rugrats Movie' | |
5 | Movie director who was himself the subject of a 1994 movie
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26 Jan 2014 | New York Times / 26 Jan 2014 |
6 | Scary movie that spawned the spoof "Scary Movie"
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27 Jul 2016 | New York Times / 27 Jul 2016 |
7 | Who said "No good movie is too long, and no bad movie is short enough"
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23 Aug 2009 | New York Times / 23 Aug 2009 |
Similar Clues With The Same Answers
Caine role: 1966
Title role for Michael Caine: 1966
Michael Caine role
Michael Caine movie: 1966
Caine role
Movie role of 86 Across
Caine's title role: 1966
1966 Caine role
1966 Michael Caine role
1966 Michael Caine film
1966 movie or song hit
1966 movie playboy
Oscar-nominated role of 1966
"What's it all about?" guy
1966 song that asked "What's it all about?"
1966 Michael Caine title role
Title role for Jude Law or Michael Caine
Title name after the lyric "What's it all about when you sort it out"