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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 7 | Exact Match! | ||||||
adjective • resembling or characteristic of or appropriate to an elegy adjective satellite • expressing sorrow often for something past | ||||||||
41% | 9 | What the Mad Hatter offers Alice in the famous tea party scene from 'Alice's Adventures in Wonderland'. | ||||||
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33% | 9 | Mournful Alice with a leg broken | ||||||
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Mournful Eg Alice Anag Crossword Clue
There is 1 exact and 119 possible answers.
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ELEGIAC which was last seen in the The Guardian Quick crossword.
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Updated: October 13, 2023
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Source | #Number | Answer |
The Guardian Quick30 Sep 2021 | Across 9 | |
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Similar Clues
Clue | Source | |
1 | Angered (anag.); derange (anag.); en garde (anag.); enraged (anag.); grenade (anag.)
Telegraph Cross Atlantic -
09 Nov 2023 | Telegraph Cross Atlantic / 09 Nov 2023 |
2 | Cry heard by Alice in "Alice in Wonderland"
New York Times -
12 Feb 2021 | New York Times / 12 Feb 2021 |
3 | In the book 'Alice's Adventures in Wonderland', this is the number of times the Dormouse yawns | |
4 | Lapse (anag.) leaps (anag.); pales (anag.); peals (anag.); pleas (anag.)
Telegraph Cross Atlantic -
20 Jun 2023 | Telegraph Cross Atlantic / 20 Jun 2023 |
5 | Like Alice's gown in "Alice in Wonderland"
New York Times -
10 Nov 2017 | New York Times / 10 Nov 2017 |
6 | Mournful Alice with a leg broken
The Guardian Cryptic -
25 Oct 2001 | The Guardian Cryptic / 25 Oct 2001 |
7 | What the Mad Hatter offers Alice in the famous tea party scene from 'Alice's Adventures in Wonderland'. |
Similar Clues With The Same Answers
Plaintive; melancholy
Plaintive, as a poem
Expressing sorrow
Like Shelley's "Adonais"
Like a Thomas Gray work
Mournful blend of gale and ice
Like Berg's "Violin Concerto"
Plaintive, as a poem
Expressing sorrow
Like Shelley's "Adonais"
Like a Thomas Gray work
Mournful blend of gale and ice
Like Berg's "Violin Concerto"
Gray mood caused smart worker to leave 1 ac.
Sad about eg Celia or Alice
Like some of Thomas Gray's poetry
Mournful essayist's written about, say, a hundred
Upsets Alice, for example, describing poetry
Soldier in middle of foreign field, cold and mournful
Expressing poetic sorrow for something past
Wistfully mournful
Sad about eg Celia or Alice
Like some of Thomas Gray's poetry
Mournful essayist's written about, say, a hundred
Upsets Alice, for example, describing poetry
Soldier in middle of foreign field, cold and mournful
Expressing poetic sorrow for something past
Wistfully mournful