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99% | 6 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • (astronomy) any of the nine large celestial bodies in the solar system that revolve around the sun and shine by reflected light; Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto in order of their proximity to the sun; viewed from the constellation Hercules, all the planets rotate around the sun in a counterclockwise direction • a person who follows or serves another • any celestial body (other than comets or satellites) that revolves around a star | ||||||||
33% | 6 | Associated with the evening star and the morning star | ||||||
noun • Babylonian and Assyrian goddess of love and fertility and war; counterpart to the Phoenician Astarte | ||||||||
23% | 9 | The time when the Dog Star is visible in the morning | ||||||
adjective • of or relating to the dog days of summer • relating to or especially immediately preceding or following the heliacal rising of Canicula (the Dog Star) | ||||||||
Morning Star Eg Crossword Clue
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New York Times19 Mar 1993 | Down 5 | |
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3 | Associated with the evening star and the morning star | |
4 | Male returning morning after morning with large-breasted creature
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5 | Morning star
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6 | Morning star?
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7 | The time when the Dog Star is visible in the morning |