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99% | 4 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • a branch of the Tai languages, spoken in Louangphabang Province | ||||||||
36% | 5 | Mongol of Asia | ||||||
noun • a member of the Mongolian people of central Asia who invaded Russia in the 13th century • a member of the Turkic-speaking people living from the Volga to the Ural Mountains (the name has been attributed to many other groups) • the Turkic language spoken by the Tatar living from the Volga to the Ural Mountains | ||||||||
34% | 11 | It is divided into several regions including North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, Europe, Central Asia, South Asia, East Asia, and West Asia | ||||||
noun • regions of the world such as Africa, Europe and Asia that were known to Europeans before the discovery of the Americas which they called the New World | ||||||||
Mongol Of Se Asia
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SHAN which was last seen in the New York Times crossword.
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Updated: October 10, 2023
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Source | #Number | Answer |
New York Times15 Dec 1981 | Across 63 | |
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2 | Family that encompasses Mongol and Turkish | |
3 | Founder of the Mongol Empire, d. 1227
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07 Feb 2013 | The Guardian Quick / 07 Feb 2013 |
4 | It is divided into several regions including North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, Europe, Central Asia, South Asia, East Asia, and West Asia | |
5 | Mongol of Asia
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19 Aug 1976 | New York Times / 19 Aug 1976 |
6 | Mongol throng
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23 Apr 1989 | New York Times / 23 Apr 1989 |
7 | ___ Khan, Mongol conqueror
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29 Jan 1989 | New York Times / 29 Jan 1989 |