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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 7 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • an officer of a corporation or others who have access to private information about the corporation's operations | ||||||||
40% | 11 | Declared himself Dictator Perpetuo (dictator in perpetuity) | ||||||
noun • Roman general under Julius Caesar in the Gallic wars; repudiated his wife for the Egyptian queen Cleopatra; they were defeated by Octavian at Actium (83-30 BC) | ||||||||
36% | 13 | Can be classified as hydatidiform mole, invasive mole, or choriocarcinoma | ||||||
adjective • of or relating to the trophoblast | ||||||||
Mole In Team Close To Dictator Crossword Clue
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INSIDER which was last seen in the The Guardian Everyman crossword.
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Updated: October 15, 2023
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Source | #Number | Answer |
The Guardian Everyman08 Dec 2013 | Down 3 | |
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Similar Clues
Clue | Source | |
1 | Cousin of a mole
New York Times -
26 Dec 2004 | New York Times / 26 Dec 2004 |
2 | Declared himself Dictator Perpetuo (dictator in perpetuity) | |
3 | He was declared 'dictator perpetuo,' or dictator in perpetuity | |
4 | Left-wing dictator and dictator's bird tailed
The Guardian Cryptic -
08 Feb 2022 | The Guardian Cryptic / 08 Feb 2022 |
5 | Mile or mole
New York Times -
30 Nov 2021 | New York Times / 30 Nov 2021 |
6 | Rather watery prune mole eats
The Guardian Cryptic -
06 May 2024 | The Guardian Cryptic / 06 May 2024 |
7 | Short girl eaten by mole
The Guardian Cryptic -
27 May 2008 | The Guardian Cryptic / 27 May 2008 |
Similar Clues With The Same Answers
One of the gang
One in the know
Illegal trader
One with privileged knowledge
Privileged one
Clique member
One who knows the scoop
Person who should know
Has be been charged with knowing too much?
One in the know
Illegal trader
One with privileged knowledge
Privileged one
Clique member
One who knows the scoop
Person who should know
Has be been charged with knowing too much?
No typical stock trader
One who knows all the secrets
He shouldn't be trading in what's said to be drink
One of us with privileged information
Sort of dealings that can produce derision, nothing less
Many a news source
One within
Privileged dealer in drink, say
One of us is desirin' another!
Such trading is illegal
One who knows all the secrets
He shouldn't be trading in what's said to be drink
One of us with privileged information
Sort of dealings that can produce derision, nothing less
Many a news source
One within
Privileged dealer in drink, say
One of us is desirin' another!
Such trading is illegal