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99% | 5 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • a songbird that lives mainly on the ground in open country; has streaky brown plumage | ||||||||
34% | 5 | Birds going "Mine, mine, mine" in "Finding Nemo" | ||||||
noun • a person who is gullible and easy to take advantage of • mostly white aquatic bird having long pointed wings and short legs verb • make a fool or dupe of • fool or hoax | ||||||||
29% | 9 | A little cheese, a quiet menace in a coal mine | ||||||
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Mine Houses One Quiet Little Singer
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PIPIT which was last seen in the The Guardian Quiptic crossword.
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Updated: October 15, 2023
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Source | #Number | Answer |
The Guardian Quiptic28 Jan 2002 | Down 2 | |
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Similar Clues
Clue | Source | |
1 | A little cheese, a quiet menace in a coal mine
The Guardian Cryptic -
18 Aug 2004 | The Guardian Cryptic / 18 Aug 2004 |
2 | Birds going "Mine, mine, mine" in "Finding Nemo"
New York Times Mini -
04 Oct 2019 | New York Times Mini / 04 Oct 2019 |
3 | Birds that cry "Mine! Mine! Mine!," in "Finding Nemo"
New York Times Mini -
11 Feb 2023 | New York Times Mini / 11 Feb 2023 |
4 | Boys live in boarding houses called 'Houses' | |
5 | Building houses? He demolished houses
Telegraph Cryptic -
15 Sep 2023 | Telegraph Cryptic / 15 Sep 2023 |
6 | Like haunted houses, compared to ordinary houses
New York Times -
02 Feb 2008 | New York Times / 02 Feb 2008 |
7 | Quiet streets with little traffic |