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99% | 7 | Exact Match! | ||||||
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31% | 6 | A small metal bar used to secure a glass pane in a window frame | ||||||
noun • A strip of wood or metal of the height of a quadrat, used for regulating the space between pages in a chase, and also for spacing out title pages and other open matter. • A flat, narrow moulding, used chiefly to separate the parts or members of compartments or panels from one another, or doubled, turned, and interlaced so as to form knots, frets, or other ornaments. | ||||||||
30% | 8 | Small glass disk used as an ornament in a stained-glass window | ||||||
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Metal Bar Used In Glass Making
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PONTILE which was last seen in the Telegraph Cross Atlantic crossword.
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Updated: August 23, 2024
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We think you're currently doing a Telegraph Cross Atlantic crossword, and other users also searched for these clues:
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Lucky dip game often found at fairs
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Source | #Number | Answer |
Telegraph Cross Atlantic24 Aug 2024 | Down 34 | |
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Similar Clues
Clue | Source | |
1 | A small metal bar used to secure a glass pane in a window frame | |
2 | Metal used in making steel
The Guardian Quick -
03 Jan 2008 | The Guardian Quick / 03 Jan 2008 |
3 | Oxide occurring as quartz and used in making glass
The Guardian Quick -
01 Sep 2009 | The Guardian Quick / 01 Sep 2009 |
4 | Raw material used in glass-making, ceramics etc — red flaps (anag)
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12 Sep 2016 | The Guardian Quick / 12 Sep 2016 |
5 | Small glass disk used as an ornament in a stained-glass window
New York Times -
15 Oct 2016 | New York Times / 15 Oct 2016 |
6 | The type of glass used in making glass insulators | |
7 | Unstamped metal discs used for making coins
New York Times -
17 Oct 2015 | New York Times / 17 Oct 2015 |