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99% | 5 | EDDIE | Exact Match! | |||||
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48% | 8 | Name of a character in the movie 'The Rocky Horror Picture Show' | ||||||
noun • a North American river; rises in southwestern Canada and flows southward across Washington to form the border between Washington and Oregon before emptying into the Pacific; known for its salmon runs in the spring • a town in west central Tennessee • capital and largest city in South Carolina; located in central South Carolina • a university town in central Missouri • a university in New York City | ||||||||
48% | 6 | Surname of a Scottish actor who portrayed Dr. Frank-N-Furter in the Rocky Horror Picture Show | ||||||
noun • English physician and scientist who described the circulation of the blood; he later proposed that all animals originate from an ovum produced by the female of the species (1578-1657) | ||||||||
Meat Loafs Rocky Horror Picture Show Role Crossword Clue
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New York Times17 Aug 2008 | Across 78 | EDDIE |
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Similar Clues
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1 | "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" hero
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12 Feb 1998 | New York Times / 12 Feb 1998 |
2 | Curry of "The Rocky Horror Picture Show"
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05 Mar 2008 | New York Times / 05 Mar 2008 |
3 | Dance in "The Rocky Horror Picture Show"
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05 Jul 2010 | New York Times / 05 Jul 2010 |
4 | Janet's fiancé in "The Rocky Horror Picture Show"
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16 Mar 2003 | New York Times / 16 Mar 2003 |
5 | Logo image for "The Rocky Horror Picture Show"
New York Times -
05 Jan 2011 | New York Times / 05 Jan 2011 |
6 | Name of a character in the movie 'The Rocky Horror Picture Show' | |
7 | Surname of a Scottish actor who portrayed Dr. Frank-N-Furter in the Rocky Horror Picture Show |