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99% | 6 | Exact Match! | ||||||
adverb • in a mellow manner adjective satellite • unhurried and relaxed • having a full and pleasing flavor through proper aging • softened through age or experience • slightly and pleasantly intoxicated from alcohol or a drug (especially marijuana) verb • soften, make mellow • become more relaxed, easygoing, or genial • make or grow (more) mellow | ||||||||
47% | 7 | Sprite in ring formed round diseased elm | ||||||
noun • (folklore) fairies that are somewhat mischievous | ||||||||
38% | 9 | The family of hardwood trees that includes the American elm and the Chinese elm. | ||||||
noun • a dicot family of the order Urticales including: genera Ulmus, Celtis, Planera, Trema | ||||||||
Mature Elm Diseased Sad
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MELLOW which was last seen in the The Guardian Everyman crossword.
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Updated: October 15, 2023
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The Guardian Everyman12 Jun 2016 | Down 20 | |
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Similar Clues
Clue | Source | |
1 | Bag-like growth containing diseased matter
The Guardian Quick -
18 Mar 2010 | The Guardian Quick / 18 Mar 2010 |
2 | Diseased parts of wood
New York Times -
05 Oct 1986 | New York Times / 05 Oct 1986 |
3 | Mature — or mature to a point
The Guardian Cryptic -
04 Sep 2017 | The Guardian Cryptic / 04 Sep 2017 |
4 | Sprite in ring formed round diseased elm
The Guardian Everyman -
19 Oct 2008 | The Guardian Everyman / 19 Oct 2008 |
5 | The family of hardwood trees that includes the American elm and the Chinese elm. | |
6 | The family that includes the slippery elm and the rock elm. | |
7 | Tree __ (pruner of diseased limbs, at times)
New York Times Bonus -
01 Apr 2007 | New York Times Bonus / 01 Apr 2007 |
Similar Clues With The Same Answers
Fully matured
Soft, sweet and juicy
Calm and relaxed
Relaxed and mature
Man becomes relaxed following sex change operation
Ripened by experience etc
Tone down
Cut about an arm's length and gain in tolerance
Soft, sweet and juicy
Calm and relaxed
Relaxed and mature
Man becomes relaxed following sex change operation
Ripened by experience etc
Tone down
Cut about an arm's length and gain in tolerance
A single sweet to go with chicken
Relaxed but slightly drunk
"Have You Never Been ___," #1 album for Olivia Newton-John
Well matured
Relaxed, as a vibe
Smooth and soft
Word used to mean juicy, ripe or sweet, as of fruit; well matured, as of wine; soft, as of colour/sound; kind through old age; or, genially drunk
Calm; tender
A single sweet to go with chicken
Relaxed but slightly drunk
"Have You Never Been ___," #1 album for Olivia Newton-John
Well matured
Relaxed, as a vibe
Smooth and soft
Word used to mean juicy, ripe or sweet, as of fruit; well matured, as of wine; soft, as of colour/sound; kind through old age; or, genially drunk
Calm; tender