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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 6 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • a noisy or scolding or domineering woman • a large strong and aggressive woman | ||||||||
36% | 11 | Transform to be more manlike | ||||||
verb • give a masculine appearance or character to • produce virilism in or cause to assume masculine characteristics, as through a hormonal imbalance or hormone therapy | ||||||||
36% | 6 | Manlike ape | ||||||
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Manlike Woman
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VIRAGO which was last seen in the The Guardian Quick crossword.
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Updated: October 13, 2023
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Source | #Number | Answer |
The Guardian Quick21 Dec 2002 | Down 16 | |
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Similar Clues
Clue | Source | |
1 | Manlike ape
New York Times -
31 Mar 1976 | New York Times / 31 Mar 1976 |
2 | Manlike ape | |
3 | Manlike ape, for short
New York Times -
25 Dec 1983 | New York Times / 25 Dec 1983 |
4 | Manlike monster
New York Times -
22 Jul 2018 | New York Times / 22 Jul 2018 |
5 | Transform to be more manlike | |
6 | Woman's name that becomes a different woman's name when its third and fourth letters are switched
New York Times -
06 Aug 2021 | New York Times / 06 Aug 2021 |
7 | Woman/man v woman/man at tennis
The Guardian Quick -
08 Feb 2011 | The Guardian Quick / 08 Feb 2011 |
Similar Clues With The Same Answers
Ill-tempered woman
Nagging pain, perhaps
Shrew - ill-tempered woman
Abusive woman
Zodiac sign that includes a shrewish woman
House housing a bad-tempered woman
Group of stars interrupted by a bad-tempered woman
Ill-tempered woman
Nagging pain, perhaps
Shrew - ill-tempered woman
Abusive woman
Zodiac sign that includes a shrewish woman
House housing a bad-tempered woman
Group of stars interrupted by a bad-tempered woman
Group of stars, including a domineering woman
Dominating woman in house hiding key
Violent woman 6 — he was shot in Dallas, Jack taken with a shot
Strong and aggressive woman
Female scold
Shrewish woman
Victor in the past bearing Irish battleaxe
Fury over Rex playing a stage villain
One after crab and lion catching a shrew
Feminist publishing house founded in 1973
Dominating woman in house hiding key
Violent woman 6 — he was shot in Dallas, Jack taken with a shot
Strong and aggressive woman
Female scold
Shrewish woman
Victor in the past bearing Irish battleaxe
Fury over Rex playing a stage villain
One after crab and lion catching a shrew
Feminist publishing house founded in 1973