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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 10 | BEAU MONDE | Exact Match! | |||||
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31% | 9 | From the Old French literally meaning “one who breaks bread with another”, a fellow/person with whom one frequently associates | ||||||
noun • a friend who is frequently in the company of another • a traveler who accompanies you • one paid to accompany or assist or live with another verb • be a companion to somebody | ||||||||
31% | 5 | From the French literally meaning “mole”, the dusky brownish-grey colour of said velvety mammal | ||||||
noun • a greyish brown adjective satellite • of something having a dusky brownish grey color | ||||||||
Literally Meaning Fine World French For Fashionable Society
There is 1 exact and 185 possible answers.
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BEAU MONDE which was last seen in the Telegraph Giant General Knowledge crossword.
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Updated: October 12, 2023
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We think you're currently doing a Telegraph Giant General Knowledge crossword, and other users also searched for these clues:
Goblins said to inhabit ruined Scottish castles; or, with the Latin name Carduelis carduelis, referring to a fondness of artichoke, cardoon and thistle seeds, the goldfinchesFrom “to walk”, a masonry foundation of a stone building; or, the substructure of an ancient Greek or Roman temple
From Latin for “headache”, a noisy kitchenware-rattling callithump, mock serenade or skimmington to newly-weds or wrongdoers; or, any horrisonant cacophony or din
Clue Last Found In...
Source | #Number | Answer |
Telegraph Giant General Knowledge05 Aug 2023 | Down 19 | BEAU MONDE |
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Similar Clues
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1 | From an Old French expression meaning “I commend you to God”, a word meaning “goodbye, farewell”
Telegraph Giant General Knowledge -
25 Mar 2023 | Telegraph Giant General Knowledge / 25 Mar 2023 |
2 | From the French literally meaning “mole”, the dusky brownish-grey colour of said velvety mammal
Telegraph Herculis -
29 May 2023 | Telegraph Herculis / 29 May 2023 |
3 | From the Old French literally meaning “one who breaks bread with another”, a fellow/person with whom one frequently associates
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14 Jan 2023 | Telegraph Giant General Knowledge / 14 Jan 2023 |
4 | Literally means 'iron road' in French | |
5 | Literally means 'rooster with wine' in French | |
6 | Name literally meaning "gifts"
New York Times -
04 Jan 1982 | New York Times / 04 Jan 1982 |
7 | Name meaning, literally, west island
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19 May 2006 | New York Times / 19 May 2006 |