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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
97% | 7 | Exact Match! | ||||||
adjective satellite • composed of animal fat | ||||||||
90% | 5 | A descriptor for someone overweight | ||||||
adjective • containing or composed of fat noun • a rotund individual | ||||||||
90% | 6 | Slick and oily | ||||||
adjective satellite • containing an unusual amount of grease or oil • smeared or soiled with grease or oil | ||||||||
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Source | #Number | Answer |
New York Times15 Nov 1993 | Down 5 | |
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The Guardian Everyman -
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Fatty Labour girl goes back to model
Fat Ida turns up to act
Fat and foolish, said Poe
Fatty, of tissue
Fat Ida turns up to model
Notice one model is fat
Pies do a treat for Fatty
I sit on Bill, fatty
Pies do for training with a fatty
Notice one model is fatty
Extra large source of embarrassment following a swim with fatty?
Fatty acid must be emptied out, I submit
Fatty requires active duty shortly, I suggest
Fatty, a pickpocket, got up right away
Notice one model getting fat
Fatty's ideas for exercise — drinking a lot of soda
Fatty Arbuckle, initially poised, cracks up