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99% | 5 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • property that is leased or rented out or let • a contract granting use or occupation of property during a specified time for a specified payment • the period of time during which a contract conveying property to a person is in effect verb • let for money • hold under a lease or rental agreement; of goods and services • grant use or occupation of under a term of contract • engage for service under a term of contract | ||||||||
28% | 5 | Proof of car ownership | ||||||
noun • a heading that names a statute or legislative bill; may give a brief summary of the matters it deals with • the name of a work of art or literary composition etc. • a general or descriptive heading for a section of a written work • the status of being a champion • a legal document signed and sealed and delivered to effect a transfer of property and to show the legal right to possess it • an identifying appellation signifying status or function: e.g. `Mr.' or `General' • an established or recognized right • (usually plural) written material introduced into a movie or TV show to give credits or represent dialogue or explain an action • an appellation signifying nobility • an informal right to something verb • give a title to • designate by an identifying term | ||||||||
24% | 8 | Car limited by course that's lower | ||||||
verb • decrease in size, extent, or range • lessen the authority, dignity, or reputation of | ||||||||
Limited Ownership As Of A Car Or Office
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LEASE which was last seen in the Telegraph Cross Atlantic crossword.
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Updated: October 1, 2024
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Telegraph Cross Atlantic02 Oct 2024 | Across 17 | |
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3 | Process of replacing private ownership with collective ownership | |
4 | Proof of car ownership
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5 | Shift from private ownership to collective ownership of land, factories, etc. | |
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