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99% | 6 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • a sheet or band of fibrous connective tissue separating or binding together muscles and organs etc • instrument panel on an automobile or airplane containing dials and controls | ||||||||
40% | 6 | ___ Mosley, a character in the TV series 'Peaky Blinders' | ||||||
noun • United States assassin of President John F. Kennedy (1939-1963) | ||||||||
27% | 7 | Saint who was a student of Saint Augustine | ||||||
noun • (Roman Catholic Church) Roman priest who became bishop of Milan; the first Church Father born and raised in the Christian faith; composer of hymns; imposed orthodoxy on the early Christian church and built up its secular power; a saint and Doctor of the Church (340?-397) | ||||||||
Like Mosley No Saint But A Name Above Business
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FASCIA which was last seen in the The Guardian Cryptic crossword.
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Updated: October 14, 2023
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Working out time is not obligatoryName spoken over the baby's head
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Source | #Number | Answer |
The Guardian Cryptic07 Nov 2003 | Across 25 | |
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3 | From the Latin for “high”, elevation above a datum line/sea level; angular distance of a celestial body above Earth’s horizon; or, by extension, loftiness of rank or any great height
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4 | Saint-___-du-Mont, church containing the remains of the patron saint of Paris
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5 | Subject of a biography written by Leonard Mosley | |
6 | Top saint rising above king in triumph
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