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99% | 5 | Exact Match! | ||||||
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33% | 5 | A celestial body such as Swift-Tuttle that led Giovanni Schiaparelli to discover in 1865 that said body was the source of the Perseids | ||||||
noun • (astronomy) a relatively small extraterrestrial body consisting of a frozen mass that travels around the sun in a highly elliptical orbit | ||||||||
31% | 11 | The obscuring of a celestial body by another celestial body | ||||||
noun • one celestial body obscures another | ||||||||
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New York Times02 Feb 2012 | Across 9 | |
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1 | A celestial body such as Swift-Tuttle that led Giovanni Schiaparelli to discover in 1865 that said body was the source of the Perseids
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2 | Celestial body orbiting a star
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3 | Describing the angle between the celestial equator and a line drawn from the observer's location to a celestial body | |
4 | Path around a celestial body
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5 | Remote celestial body emitting huge amounts of energy
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6 | Small celestial body composed of rock and metal
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08 May 2014 | The Guardian Quick / 08 May 2014 |
7 | The obscuring of a celestial body by another celestial body |