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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 8 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • an anthology of short literary pieces and poems and ballads etc. • United States singer and film actress (1922-1969) • flower arrangement consisting of a circular band of foliage or flowers for ornamental purposes • a city in northeastern Texas (suburb of Dallas) with counties Dallas and Collin verb • adorn with bands of flowers or leaves | ||||||||
30% | 4 | Party with leis | ||||||
noun • an elaborate Hawaiian feast or party (especially one accompanied by traditional foods and entertainment) | ||||||||
30% | 9 | Decked with leis | ||||||
noun • an anthology of short literary pieces and poems and ballads etc. • United States singer and film actress (1922-1969) • flower arrangement consisting of a circular band of foliage or flowers for ornamental purposes • a city in northeastern Texas (suburb of Dallas) with counties Dallas and Collin verb • adorn with bands of flowers or leaves | ||||||||
Leis Eg
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GARLANDS which was last seen in the Eugene Sheffer crossword.
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Updated: June 18, 2024
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Eugene Sheffer19 Jun 2024 | Across 39 | |
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Similar Clues
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1 | Decked with leis
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2 | Its yellow flowers are often used to make traditional Hawaiian leis | |
3 | Leis
New York Times -
08 Jul 1976 | New York Times / 08 Jul 1976 |
4 | Leis?
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22 Jan 1995 | New York Times / 22 Jan 1995 |
5 | Sways with leis
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08 Mar 1993 | New York Times / 08 Mar 1993 |
6 | Used in Hawaiian leis | |
7 | Vine used in making leis
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20 Dec 1991 | New York Times / 20 Dec 1991 |