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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 3 | MLK | Exact Match! | |||||
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37% | 15 | Civil rights movement fought for the equality and rights of this community | ||||||
noun • a person with African ancestry, "Negro" and "Negroid" are archaic and pejorative today adjective satellite • pertaining to or characteristic of Americans of African ancestry | ||||||||
37% | 10 | Championed states' rights during the Civil Rights Movement | ||||||
noun • a former political party in the United States; formed in 1948 by Democrats from southern states in order to oppose to the candidacy of Harry S Truman | ||||||||
Leader In The Civil Rights Movement In Brief Crossword Clue
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MLK which was last seen in the New York Times crossword.
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Updated: October 11, 2023
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Source | #Number | Answer |
New York Times24 Jun 2021 | Down 43 | MLK |
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Jan. 15 honoree
Jan. 15 initials
January holiday inits.
Annual honoree's inits.
National b'day honoree
Jan. honoree
Annual honoree: Abbr.
Monogram of 1964's Nobel Peace laureate
___ Day, Jan. celebration
___ Day (third Mon. in January)
Jan. 15 initials
January holiday inits.
Annual honoree's inits.
National b'day honoree
Jan. honoree
Annual honoree: Abbr.
Monogram of 1964's Nobel Peace laureate
___ Day, Jan. celebration
___ Day (third Mon. in January)
U2 song paying tribute to an American icon
Reformer from the time of D.D.E. to L.B.J.
Symbol of equality, briefly
January honoree, for short
"I have a dream" monogram
Civil rights icon, for short
Rev who said "We must rise to the majestic heights of meeting physical force with soul force"
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Jan. inits.
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Reformer from the time of D.D.E. to L.B.J.
Symbol of equality, briefly
January honoree, for short
"I have a dream" monogram
Civil rights icon, for short
Rev who said "We must rise to the majestic heights of meeting physical force with soul force"
Honoree on Jan. 16, 2017
Jan. inits.
Poor People's Campaign organizer, for short