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99% | 6 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • an alloy of copper and nickel with high electrical resistance and a low temperature coefficient; used as resistance wire • a town in northwest California on an arm of the Pacific Ocean | ||||||||
53% | 6 | Fifth-most populous city in California, after Los Angeles, San Diego, San Jose and San Francisco | ||||||
noun • a city in south central California in the San Joaquin Valley; center of an important agricultural area and gateway to the Sierra Nevada Mountains | ||||||||
41% | 8 | East Bay city located across the bay from San Francisco | ||||||
noun • Irish philosopher and Anglican bishop who opposed the materialism of Thomas Hobbes (1685-1753) • a city in California on the eastern shore of San Francisco Bay; site of the University of California at Berkeley | ||||||||
Largest Coastal City Between San Francisco And Portland Crossword Clue
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New York Times19 Apr 2015 | Down 53 | |
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2 | Francisco and California, in San Francisco: Abbr.
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3 | Portland is its largest city | |
4 | Portland is the largest city in this state of the region | |
5 | San ___ (San Francisco suburb)
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6 | San ___, city near San Francisco
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