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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 7 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • sirenian mammal of tropical coastal waters of America; the flat tail is rounded | ||||||||
41% | 8 | This aquatic mammal is also known as a sea cow | ||||||
noun • any of two families of large herbivorous aquatic mammals with paddle-shaped tails and flipper-like forelimbs and no hind limbs | ||||||||
36% | 11 | A large marine mammal often referred to as the 'sea cow' | ||||||
noun • black substance containing char in the form of carbonized bone; used as a black pigment | ||||||||
Large Aquatic Mammal Sea Cow
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MANATEE which was last seen in the The Guardian Quick crossword.
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Updated: October 13, 2023
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The Guardian Quick02 Jul 2019 | Across 9 | |
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Similar Clues
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1 | A large marine mammal often referred to as the 'sea cow' | |
2 | A neat me (anag) — large aquatic mammal
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11 Jan 2012 | The Guardian Quick / 11 Jan 2012 |
3 | Aquatic mammal — code name for planned German invasion of England, 1940
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22 Apr 2014 | The Guardian Quick / 22 Apr 2014 |
4 | Large aquatic mammal
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20 Nov 2015 | The Guardian Quick / 20 Nov 2015 |
5 | Large semi-aquatic mammal
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30 Apr 2013 | The Guardian Quick / 30 Apr 2013 |
6 | Large semi-aquatic mammal (abbr)
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15 Jun 2012 | The Guardian Quick / 15 Jun 2012 |
7 | This aquatic mammal is also known as a sea cow |
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Sea cow
Sea mammal
Marine mammal
Aquatic mammal
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Dugong's relative
Possible source of mermaid legends
Endangered Florida creature
Mother has somehow eaten a sea cow
Sea mammal
Marine mammal
Aquatic mammal
Sirenian seen off Fla.
Dugong's cousin
Dugong's relative
Possible source of mermaid legends
Endangered Florida creature
Mother has somehow eaten a sea cow
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Sighting off the Florida coast
Endangered Everglades mammal
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A neat me (anag) — large aquatic mammal
SeaWorld attraction
Everglades mammal
Sea cow — emanate (anag)
Aquatic mammal with 9, everyone said?
Slow swimmer to take up position at opening of a hole
Sighting off the Florida coast
Endangered Everglades mammal
Marine muncher on mangrove leaves
A neat me (anag) — large aquatic mammal
SeaWorld attraction
Everglades mammal
Sea cow — emanate (anag)
Aquatic mammal with 9, everyone said?