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99% | 5 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • a mountain peak in the southern Sinai Peninsula (7,500 feet high); it is believed to be the peak on which Moses received the Ten Commandments • a desert on the Sinai Peninsula in northeastern Egypt • a peninsula in northeastern Egypt; at north end of Red Sea | ||||||||
51% | 11 | It is divided into several regions including North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, Europe, Central Asia, South Asia, East Asia, and West Asia | ||||||
noun • regions of the world such as Africa, Europe and Asia that were known to Europeans before the discovery of the Americas which they called the New World | ||||||||
35% | 13 | This narrow land bridge connects Africa and Asia | ||||||
noun • the isthmus in northeastern Egypt that connects Africa and Asia | ||||||||
Land Bridge Between Africa And Asia Crossword Clue
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New York Times06 Jul 2022 | Across 46 | |
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3 | Europe, Asia and Africa
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5 | It is divided into several regions including North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, Europe, Central Asia, South Asia, East Asia, and West Asia | |
6 | Org. in Africa, S.A. and Asia
New York Times -
07 Jan 1981 | New York Times / 07 Jan 1981 |
7 | This narrow land bridge connects Africa and Asia |