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99% | 5 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • a colorless odorless gaseous element that gives a red glow in a vacuum tube; one of the six inert gasses; occurs in the air in small amounts | ||||||||
35% | 5 | Word for a bright glow such as a sunbeam originally, later for a faint or dim glow; or, a brief manifestation | ||||||
noun • an appearance of reflected light • a flash of light (especially reflected light) verb • be shiny, as if wet • shine brightly, like a star or a light • to shine with faint or brief light | ||||||||
29% | 10 | Molecules responsible for the glow of glow worms | ||||||
noun • pigment occurring in luminescent organisms (as fireflies); emits heatless light when undergoing oxidation | ||||||||
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New York Times04 Sep 1996 | Down 30 | |
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5 | Molecules responsible for the glow of glow worms | |
6 | Used in flash lamps and arc lamps | |
7 | Word for a bright glow such as a sunbeam originally, later for a faint or dim glow; or, a brief manifestation
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