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99% | 5 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • an acute but unspecific feeling of anxiety; usually reserved for philosophical anxiety about the world or about personal freedom | ||||||||
16% | 12 | Philosophical concept of attributing absolute status to a concept or truth | ||||||
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16% | 15 | Concept that denies the concept of an everlasting Hell | ||||||
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Kierkegaardian Concept Crossword Clue
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New York Times07 Nov 2014 | Across 1 | |
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2 | 1914 Freud essay that introduced the concept of "ego ideal"
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3 | Concept of Descartes
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6 | The concept of multicollinearity is closely related to the concept of correlation among predictor variables. | |
7 | The zeroth law of thermodynamics establishes the concept of temperature, while this law establishes the concept of absolute zero. |