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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 8 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • thick dark syrup produced by boiling down juice from sugar cane; especially during sugar refining | ||||||||
31% | 7 | A clasp, clutch, cuddle or cwtch; a close crowd or crush; a credit crunch; or, a chirt of citrus juice, obtained by scruzing | ||||||
noun • the act of gripping and pressing firmly • a state in which there is a short supply of cash to lend to businesses and consumers and interest rates are high • a situation in which increased costs cannot be passed on to the customer • (slang) a person's girlfriend or boyfriend • a twisting squeeze • an aggressive attempt to compel acquiescence by the concentration or manipulation of power • a tight or amorous embrace • the act of forcing yourself (or being forced) into or through a restricted space verb • to compress with violence, out of natural shape or condition • press firmly • squeeze like a wedge into a tight space • to cause to do through pressure or necessity, by physical, moral or intellectual means • obtain by coercion or intimidation • press or force • squeeze tightly between the fingers • hold (someone) tightly in your arms, usually with fondness • squeeze or press together | ||||||||
29% | 13 | Facility that refines raw sugar into white, granulated sugar | ||||||
noun • a refinery for sugar | ||||||||
Juice Obtained From Raw Sugar
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MOLASSES which was last seen in the The Guardian Quick crossword.
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Updated: January 8, 2024
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The Guardian Quick09 Jan 2024 | Across 18 | |
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Similar Clues
Clue | Source | |
1 | A clasp, clutch, cuddle or cwtch; a close crowd or crush; a credit crunch; or, a chirt of citrus juice, obtained by scruzing
Telegraph Giant General Knowledge -
08 Apr 2023 | Telegraph Giant General Knowledge / 08 Apr 2023 |
2 | Cocktail with vodka, cranberry juice and grapefruit juice
New York Times -
13 Apr 2019 | New York Times / 13 Apr 2019 |
3 | Cocktail with vodka, triple sec, cranberry juice and lime juice
New York Times -
26 Jan 2015 | New York Times / 26 Jan 2015 |
4 | Derived from the refining of sugar cane or sugar beet juice | |
5 | Facility that refines raw sugar into white, granulated sugar | |
6 | Part of orange juice that's not juice
New York Times -
15 Dec 2020 | New York Times / 15 Dec 2020 |
7 | Where juice may be obtained, satisfying Victoria in central London?
The Guardian Everyman -
13 Apr 2014 | The Guardian Everyman / 13 Apr 2014 |
Similar Clues With The Same Answers
Blackstrap or treacle
Symbol of slowness
Thick syrup
Sugar byproduct
Maureen and girls making something from sugar
Slow flower
US name for treacle
Baked beans ingredient
Thick treacle
Symbol of slowness
Thick syrup
Sugar byproduct
Maureen and girls making something from sugar
Slow flower
US name for treacle
Baked beans ingredient
Thick treacle
Syrup, by-product of refining
Sugar syrup
Doctor the girls' syrup
Most of Pussycat Dolls' output is refined and very sweet
It's sweet girl in some trouble
Thick syrup extracted from sugar cane
Doctor gets the girls — that's sweet
After a short time, misses sweet stuff
Common ingredient in baked beans
Epitome of slowness
Sugar syrup
Doctor the girls' syrup
Most of Pussycat Dolls' output is refined and very sweet
It's sweet girl in some trouble
Thick syrup extracted from sugar cane
Doctor gets the girls — that's sweet
After a short time, misses sweet stuff
Common ingredient in baked beans
Epitome of slowness