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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 7 | THEFIRM | Exact Match! | |||||
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50% | 9 | A novel by John Grisham about a young lawyer who brings a lawsuit against a company | ||||||
noun • executive who is very successful in bringing in business to his company or firm • American Indian medicine man who attempt to make it rain | ||||||||
50% | 8 | A 1990 legal thriller by John Grisham | ||||||
noun • a suspenseful adventure story or play or movie | ||||||||
John Grisham Best Seller Crossword Clue
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Source | #Number | Answer |
New York Times28 Feb 2010 | Down 86 | THEFIRM |
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2 | A novel by John Grisham about a young lawyer who brings a lawsuit against a company | |
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4 | John Cusack thriller based on a Grisham novel
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6 | John Grisham book about fashion show critics?
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7 | Start of 19 John Grisham novel titles
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