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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 3 | LUC | Exact Match! | |||||
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51% | 6 | Jean-Luc Godard or François Truffaut, for example | ||||||
noun • a filmmaker who has a personal style and keeps creative control over his or her works | ||||||||
51% | 6 | The title of a famous French film directed by Jean-Luc Godard | ||||||
noun • Dutch colonist who bought Manhattan from the Native Americans for the equivalent of $24 (1580-1638) | ||||||||
Jean ____ Godard Director
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LUC which was last seen in the Telegraph Cross Atlantic crossword.
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Updated: May 24, 2024
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Source | #Number | Answer |
Telegraph Cross Atlantic25 May 2024 | Down 2 | LUC |
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Similar Clues
Clue | Source | |
1 | Bande ____, Jean-Luc Godard film
Telegraph Cross Atlantic -
08 May 2023 | Telegraph Cross Atlantic / 08 May 2023 |
2 | Director Jean-__ Godard
New York Times Bonus -
01 Jun 2002 | New York Times Bonus / 01 Jun 2002 |
3 | Director Jean-___ Godard
New York Times -
13 Apr 1980 | New York Times / 13 Apr 1980 |
4 | Film director Jean-___ Godard
New York Times -
19 Mar 2007 | New York Times / 19 Mar 2007 |
5 | French director Jean ____ Godard
New York Times -
06 Sep 1995 | New York Times / 06 Sep 1995 |
6 | He collaborated with Jean-Luc Godard on the film 'A Bout de Souffle' | |
7 | Jean-Luc Godard or François Truffaut, for example |
Similar Clues With The Same Answers
Director Jean-___ Godard
Jean-___ Picard of "Star Trek"
French director Jean ____ Godard
Violinist Jean _____ Ponty
Violinist Jean-___ Ponty
Hockey's Robitaille
Cager Longley
Capt. Jean-___ Picard
Jean-___ Picard of "Star Trek: T.N.G."
Director Jean-__ Godard
Jean-___ Picard of "Star Trek"
French director Jean ____ Godard
Violinist Jean _____ Ponty
Violinist Jean-___ Ponty
Hockey's Robitaille
Cager Longley
Capt. Jean-___ Picard
Jean-___ Picard of "Star Trek: T.N.G."
Director Jean-__ Godard
Jean-___ Picard (Patrick Stewart character)
Québec's Côte-St.-___
"March of the Penguins" director ___ Jacquet
Capt. Jean-___ Picard of the U.S.S. Enterprise
Film director Jean-___ Godard
Filmdom's Jean-___ Godard
French director Besson
Enterprise captain Jean-___ Picard
19-season N.H.L.'er Robitaille
Director Jacquet of "March of the Penguins"
Québec's Côte-St.-___
"March of the Penguins" director ___ Jacquet
Capt. Jean-___ Picard of the U.S.S. Enterprise
Film director Jean-___ Godard
Filmdom's Jean-___ Godard
French director Besson
Enterprise captain Jean-___ Picard
19-season N.H.L.'er Robitaille
Director Jacquet of "March of the Penguins"