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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 6 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • leader of the Nez Perce in their retreat from United States troops (1840-1904) • (Old Testament) the 11th son of Jacob and one of the 12 patriarchs of Israel; Jacob gave Joseph a coat of many colors, which made his brothers jealous and they sold him into slavery in Egypt • (New Testament) husband of Mary and (in Christian belief) the foster father of Jesus | ||||||||
23% | 5 | Patriarch in the Book of Genesis | ||||||
noun • chief god of the Assyrians; god of military prowess and empire; identified with Babylonian Anshar • an ancient Assyrian city on the Tigris and traditional capital of Assyria; just to the south of the modern city of Mosul in Iraq | ||||||||
23% | 10 | Succeeded Alexander as the Patriarch of Alexandria | ||||||
noun • (Roman Catholic Church) Greek patriarch of Alexandria who championed Christian orthodoxy against Arianism; a church father, saint, and Doctor of the Church (293-373) | ||||||||
Jack Hopes To Work For Patriarch Crossword Clue
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JOSEPH which was last seen in the The Guardian Cryptic crossword.
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Updated: October 14, 2023
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The Guardian Cryptic26 Mar 2019 | Across 22 | |
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Similar Clues
Clue | Source | |
1 | Biblical patriarch | |
2 | Greek Orthodox Patriarch who served as the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople from 858 to 867 | |
3 | Jack hopes to work for old carpenter
The Guardian Cryptic -
10 Oct 2018 | The Guardian Cryptic / 10 Oct 2018 |
4 | Patriarch who lived 950 years
New York Times -
23 Jun 2013 | New York Times / 23 Jun 2013 |
5 | Patriarch who saved his family and all the animals from drowning
The Guardian Quick -
20 Jun 2019 | The Guardian Quick / 20 Jun 2019 |
6 | The "Jack" of a Jack and Coke
New York Times Mini -
13 Jul 2019 | New York Times Mini / 13 Jul 2019 |
7 | Work, work, work
New York Times -
17 Jan 1994 | New York Times / 17 Jan 1994 |
Similar Clues With The Same Answers
Crèche figure
Owner of a multicolored coat
Conrad or Cotten
Famed Nez Perce chief
Coat of many colors wearer
Author of "Catch 22"
Man, a Spaniard, on empty pitch
Mary's husband
Writer of 9 had no prose altered after his initial letters
Important figure in the Gospels
Owner of a multicolored coat
Conrad or Cotten
Famed Nez Perce chief
Coat of many colors wearer
Author of "Catch 22"
Man, a Spaniard, on empty pitch
Mary's husband
Writer of 9 had no prose altered after his initial letters
Important figure in the Gospels
Nativity figure
Biblical dreamcoat wearer
Joke about record one with multicoloured wear
Man with a many-coloured coat
Tease about record of Mary's husband
Patron saint of the Catholic Church
Nez Percé war chief
Rachel's firstborn, in the Bible
This habit would not be adopted by Conrad, for instance
Mourinho's supported by local patriarch
Biblical dreamcoat wearer
Joke about record one with multicoloured wear
Man with a many-coloured coat
Tease about record of Mary's husband
Patron saint of the Catholic Church
Nez Percé war chief
Rachel's firstborn, in the Bible
This habit would not be adopted by Conrad, for instance
Mourinho's supported by local patriarch