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99% | 6 | Exact Match! | ||||||
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24% | 12 | Ratio of the number of employees who leave a company to the average number of employees during a specific period | ||||||
noun • the ratio of the number of workers that had to be replaced in a given time period to the average number of workers | ||||||||
23% | 11 | A formalized method of training where information is passed down directly from experienced workers to new employees | ||||||
noun • retrieval of information from unconnected databases; the situation that exists when it is necessary to climb out of one database in order to climb down into another; sometimes used for protection against wandering hackers | ||||||||
Its Employees Are In Training Crossword Clue
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New York Times14 Mar 2003 | Across 64 | |
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2 | Its employees might get under your skin
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31 Dec 2021 | New York Times / 31 Dec 2021 |
3 | Its employees might have jumper cables: Abbr.
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30 Dec 2012 | New York Times / 30 Dec 2012 |
4 | Nail salon employees, at times
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5 | Ratio of the number of employees who leave a company to the average number of employees during a specific period | |
6 | Seabird said to draw blood from its own breast with its pouched beak to feed its young, thus a symbol of self-sacrifice and motherly love to the nation co-opted for Elizabeth I
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25 Mar 2023 | Telegraph Giant General Knowledge / 25 Mar 2023 |
7 | The process by which employees leave an organization and are replaced by new employees |