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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 6 | Exact Match! | ||||||
adjective • not private; open to or concerning the people as a whole noun • people in general considered as a whole • a body of people sharing some common interest adjective satellite • affecting the people or community as a whole | ||||||||
36% | 7 | USA reds (anag.) | ||||||
adjective satellite • marked by assurance; exhibiting confidence • characterized by certainty or security | ||||||||
36% | 8 | Has a famous shrine called Usa Hachiman-gū in Usa, Oita | ||||||
noun • a Shinto god of war | ||||||||
It Could Play Music In Usa Simply Reds Best Cd Released Crossword Clue
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PUBLIC which was last seen in the The Guardian Cryptic crossword.
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Updated: October 14, 2023
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See 1Bark on this Labrador upset it
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Source | #Number | Answer |
The Guardian Cryptic26 May 2023 | Across 1 | |
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Similar Clues
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The Guardian Cryptic -
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2 | Back in the USA? One could have such a problem
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19 Aug 2004 | The Guardian Cryptic / 19 Aug 2004 |
3 | Categories include Best Picture, Best Actor, and Best Actress | |
4 | End of the musing, which could simply have been the shaded squares
New York Times -
18 Dec 2019 | New York Times / 18 Dec 2019 |
5 | Has a famous shrine called Usa Hachiman-gū in Usa, Oita | |
6 | USA reds (anag.)
Telegraph Quick -
13 Jul 2023 | Telegraph Quick / 13 Jul 2023 |
7 | Where the Reds and the Browns play
New York Times -
22 Apr 2002 | New York Times / 22 Apr 2002 |
Similar Clues With The Same Answers
It's nationalised, as everyone knows
General - population
Open to everyone
Award about one pound in return for type of service
Serving the people
Open to all
Relating to the general community
Of the people
It's nationalised, as everyone knows
General - population
Open to everyone
Award about one pound in return for type of service
Serving the people
Open to all
Relating to the general community
Of the people
Inn where student's in charge of hoi polloi
Having turned up, leaders in blue lingerie instantly focus (7) to force government initiative
Crucible's top puzzle controlled by the government
Not private
Piano I installed in disorderly club open to all
Offence against common decency
Known leaders in baseball league, one entering competition after an upset
No end of bile Puck produced in 19
Open to, or concerning, the people as a whole
Sort of school for everyone? Yes and no
Having turned up, leaders in blue lingerie instantly focus (7) to force government initiative
Crucible's top puzzle controlled by the government
Not private
Piano I installed in disorderly club open to all
Offence against common decency
Known leaders in baseball league, one entering competition after an upset
No end of bile Puck produced in 19
Open to, or concerning, the people as a whole
Sort of school for everyone? Yes and no